
Thursday, October 25, 2012

First work!

My first freelance job(hell my first animation job!)..I had 4 weeks to animate this...unfortunately one shot was changed and wasn't used. I learned so much being the only animator. I have to thank AM and all my mentors who've taught me...AM really is the best! I didn't have much time to polish on shots..I sooo wish I did...but yeah this has me really excited! ^_^
Also I'm really grateful to my client Farooq Abdul Aziz who gave me this work inspite of me being a fresher! It's for his site http://dkkani.com/

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Acting shot 1(Splined)

So after much struggle(both with shot and emotionally and few bad migraines) I managed my spline pass! Phew!

Class 1 and Shot 1 Blocked

So this class had an interesting start with us getting to choose our mentors.
I chose to be in Royce Wesley's class and boy what an experience! When he spoke of his work..his rich experience in animation was very inspiring/
We were welcomed with an animation clip for the past 3 lectures and the method of lecturing is very different and awsome!
However Royce is a very strict mentor and I feel that is really good. It keeps one grounded and helps clearly focus on what works and what doesn't. Acting for animation is starting on a new aspect on a completely different level and his tips clearly outlined the necessities.
After short-circuiting with a whole bunch of ideas--a suggestion for idea change--and a quick drill/grill for the soldier to stay focused, this is what I blocked:

Update: AM Class 3 Progress Reel

Ok so my procrastinating habit ever increases. But I'm happy to post my Class 2 progress Reel.
Class 3 was very challenging. Body mechanics is something which there is no end to learning. I was glad to have Ethan Hurd as mentor! He was wonderful and supporting. Encouraging new ideas and giving suggestions for betterment. My Reel: