
Friday, July 13, 2012

Update: AM Class 1 & Class 2

Well after a lot of procrastination( which also happens to be my middle name), I'm finally updating my blog.
It has been roller coaster ride these past 6 months; don't know how it passed. Life in AM is one full of twist and turns in short nothing short of an adventure and still continuing.
Class 1 brought me to basics and i was like a baby learning to walk all over again.
My mentor Adm Green who works at Disney was nothing less than fantastic, truly imbibing us, me with the principles in such a way that it has been ingrained in my mind like no other. Using examples of shots he worked on, his approach was one of true visual communication. Thus, my love for "Overlaps"..okay I tend to overuse it a bit.
Class 2 started, bringing with it new challenges. There were times which tested my patience and emotions. Here's where my mentor Alison Sanders having worked in studios like Tippett majorly hauled me though.
Alison's approach was more like that of a supervisor. Though completely different to Adam's, but even there I learned different mentoring approach which helped me analyse through my own shortcomings and her adequate tips guiding me through overcoming them.
In the end I managed 2 classes and finally compiled my work, yayy!
Now I'm in Class 3, now that's another new story.

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