
Monday, October 31, 2011

Assignment#2 & #3

Last week went very hectic because we had to model a character(basic with geometric shapes) and a set for it.Having given free liberty at it people turned out making amazing stuff!!It shows the power of free-flowing creativity and that is a very essential part needed for animating I feel. Creativity does not have to always necessarily mean producing works like that of  Monet or Picasso but thinking and looking at things differently, in an offbeat way so that the treatment you provide for it blows the viewer away, be it art, science, writing, etc.

I  first modeled a basic figure without much thought sticking to the syllabus/assignment requirements. But honestly  I was blown away with the works my batchmates did which prompted me to work harder on my set.
So I tweaked my model to look like an alien and for set made a flying saucer spaceship.
The assignment also required to set up cameras and view the scene in different angles. Playing with the camera settings of the software made me realize what splendid views can be achieved with increase/decrease in focal length.(I had read notes on it in one prior occassion sometime back, never excited me. I guess seeing the results and working practically on it hooked me on; I guess I'll save the theory vs practical debate for later). Here's a look of my assignments:

                                                                       My initial model

                                                       The spaceship with the new character

Monday, October 24, 2011


Submitted my assignment a day before deadline..*happy*

Well we were to create NURBS objects and place on a given modelled shelf referring to the image provided.
I was so amazed as everbody added some little twist to their final outcome..as in some added color, some light.
It was a fun assignment

Thursday, October 20, 2011

AM Springboard

Started Second day at Maya Springboard Class with mentor Fredrick Fassé
First he's amazing and super talented!! Explaining every detail patiently, with good nature and humor.
Second, I've had the opportunity to share my class with five other amazing people.

Thus after  random humor, we (my classmates) decided to name our class HQ, featuring-
Fredrick Fassé - The Boss
Amanda Wexler
 - Agent AM (special move - stick figures)
Edward Smith - Agent Ed (special move - bear drawing)
Elissa Clare - Agent El (special move - to be announced soon)
Joel Gangara - Agent Joe (special move - to be announced soon)
Louise Nygaard Olesen - Agent Lou (special move - MAC)
Vijay Gupta - Agent VJ (special move - Maya hotkeys)
Radhika Gooptu - Agent Rad (special move - to be announced soon)

Had super fun experience and amazing learning. Will go work on assignment due.
Till then post later!

Finally a Blogger

As mentioned in my profile I love reading however I hate writing! I have been admonished several times in the past for not writing much despite not being a bad writer.
Finally I setup my blog though primarily with the objective of tracking my journey in AnimationMentor , my site is completed but needs final finishing of the contents needed to be uploaded in it.

I drew the banner which I hope people like :) Happy Blogging!